Centre City Council Meeting

During the Centre City Council Meeting on Tuesday September 12th Tom McElrath, architect for the project, discussed at length the Renovation of the Old Middle School Gym.  The Council approved for this to go to state bids. The plans and specs are ready to go. Phase 1 updating the gym with new materials could take time getting due equipment being 40 years. The entire gym area needs to be renovated. The floors and basketball courts are the primary needs. Phase 2 down the road will be the restroom renovation. Mr. McElrath said he could bid in two weeks.

The ordinance to rezone Hometown Properties and Renovations Property approved.

The Hatcher Community Center roof was another hot topic. Mr. Raymond Matthews spoke about this in depth. The roof is tin with two layers of asphalt. The roof needs to be replaced very soon. The Council said that there is $17,900 of  grant money from the Alabama Historical funds with the council being agreeable to the repairs.

The benches for the tennis and pickle ball courts were approved. Building Inspector Raymond Matthew s told the council the benches needed to be mounted on the surface. The Council approved the purchase of 10 benches at a total cost of $3438.20.  

Centre Police Chief Kirk Blankenship spoke about the police department needs to change Riley Combs rank from Sergeant to Captain in order for him to be able to sign for the department in the event the Chief is out.  He would not get a pay raise but his rank would now be Captain. The Council agreed and made the change in rank.

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